Nadine & Derek’s Effortless Home
A deep sigh of relief: from endless ‘to-do’ lists to nothing to do!
Nadine and Derek couldn’t truly kick back and enjoy their home. Clutter mess, too much ‘stuff,’ and being disorganized were hijacking their peace of mind.
Parts of the home were making Nadine feel cramped, even suffocated. And Derek couldn’t help but see a ‘to-do’ list when he walked into a room.
They were ready to lean into the gift of community to reach their goal: A spacious, uplifting sanctuary where they could just be. They gave us a call and the Bright HQ team was ready to go!
Nadine and Derek are not only clients, but also Business and Life Coaches to Jen at Bright HQ. It was such a thrill to work with them and show them exactly what we’re all about.
We wanted Nadine and Derek to experience that deep sigh of relief that you get when your home is finally organized. To truly relax and enjoy the freedom of a “Nothing-to-do Day.”
Getting Organized the Bright HQ Way
The Walkthrough.
The systems matter more than the stuff. And it was no different for Nadine and Derek. During the walkthrough, we instantly noticed how the rooms were interconnected – stuff in one room was connected to other areas of the house. For lasting results, they needed smart systems that integrated the entire home.
Organized means that everything has a place to live.
Well organized means that place is smart and sustainable.
They were ALL IN. They wanted to get it ALL organized. So, together, we tackled the whole house with the Effortless Home.
Edit, Systematize, Store, Repeat!
Close to 200 hours of both their time and ours went into making their vision a reality.
We sifted and sorted all of their stuff. It was important to our clients to reuse and repurpose where we could, so very little ended up in the landfill.
Habits and routines always get in the client’s way of rethinking and optimizing their space. With Nadine and Derek, we dug deep to discover and change those habits permanently so they could keep their home tidy for the long-term.
We treated the entire home as a puzzle and created systems so the house worked together, effortlessly. Our systems were based on Nadine and Derek - how they think and live. They even got their son involved in the decisions about his own space so he could use and apply these concepts in the future.
“Bright HQ helped us create more breathing room, spaciousness and peace in our home. Everything has a home and a purpose. All the rooms in our home, as well as our entire garage, are now integrated and working as an integrated system.”
Nadine & Derek’s Effortless Home
When you take on the whole home, you become invigorated by the progress, creating a rhythm and momentum. So the more we worked on it, the easier it got. And before we knew it, the transformation was complete!
Derek is incredibly handy. So, after several discussions and conceptual drawings, he completely renovated Nadine’s closet so we could maximize every inch of usable space.
The biggest transformation is the one you can’t see: it’s how they feel since they’ve made their home – and themselves – a priority. It’s the biggest pay off of them all!
“Jen is a genius at home organizing. She's cracked the code on how to get your entire home and garage working together as a system. She is a MASTER at creating more peace, flow and breathing room in your home. She will make your home a sanctuary and let's face it, with all that's happening in the world, having a sanctuary to feel at peace in is essential.”
At Bright HQ, we think your space should be a relief from the chaos in your life. Not add to it. Get in touch to see how we can make it possible for you.
Bright HQ Tidy Tip
One-size-fits-all organizing doesn’t work. Your systems should be unique to your lifestyle. It’s not about what we want, or what a book says works best, or what worked best for our last client. It’s unique, personal, and all about you. We work one-on-one with our clients to create tailor-made systems…because no two people are the same!