Get Crafty: Sort Your Creative Projects

Put that box, cabinet, or room full of crafts to use with the right systems.

Winter can be harsh. It can be long, cold, depressing, dark and a real energy drain. 

Or, seen through a different lens: it can be time to go inside, reflect, and enjoy the indoors and the potential it brings. This is how we choose to see it... we’re pretty “the cup is half full” over here.

So, what can be done with all of this cozy time indoors? Maybe you have a box, a cabinet or a whole room dedicated to crafts and projects you’d love to spend time on. Well, if there was ever a time to get on it, this is it!

Our Bright Idea For Organizing Crafts

If you’ve been finding it hasn’t been as easy as you would like, your craft system may need a little tweaking (it’s also likely your schedule needs a little tweaking too, but that’s a story for another day). So, speaking just about the systems for now, here’s the two things you can change today:

Make your projects more visible and more accessible.

Here’s why: 

Keeping your projects visible means you can easily determine if you’re set up to take on the project from start to finish. It also means saving yourself time and money shopping for items you already have.

Sort them. Label them. Be aware of what you have so, when you pull the project out, you have everything you need to complete it. 

Which brings us to our second point... you also want your projects to be accessible.

Your project supplies aren’t going to do you any good if they’re buried in the far reaches of your storage room or up high in your closet. There may be some days when you only have 15 minutes to spend on it. So knowing you can walk right up, grab what you need to and dive right in, means you’re more likely to see it as something fun and less of a chore.

Make the most of these harsh winter days and treat yourself to some solid ‘you time’ this winter. You deserve it!


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